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Flower Bouquet


Introducing Flower Bouquet from Collection Privée, a mesmerizing fragrance that captures the essence of a blooming garden. This enchanting perfume opens with fresh and vibrant top notes of tuberose and white flowers, creating an uplifting and invigorating experience. As the scent unfolds, the heart reveals a blend of yellow flowers and amber, adding warmth and depth to the fragrance. The base notes of patchouli and sweet spices provide a rich, lingering finish that makes this perfume perfect for any occasion.

Housed in an elegant 50ml bottle, Flower Bouquet is designed for those who appreciate the beauty of floral scents with a touch of sophistication. Whether you’re enjoying a casual day out or attending a special event, this fragrance is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Top Notes

Pink Pepper, Bergamot

Heart Notes

Tuberose (Night Hymn), Ylang-Ylang

Base Notes

Amber, Wood Notes, Patchouli

Flower Bouquet is inspired by Viktor & Rolf’s Flowerbomb.

Note: for hygiene and safety reasons, once the packaging is opened, the product cannot be returned.


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