Shop Now for the best New Year deals

until 31st of January


How does free delivery work?

If you place an order before 4 p.m. we will ship your package within 24 hours. We normally ship all packages on the same day. Free delivery applies to orders over €50.

Does Parfumans deliver order to your home?

Definitely. All orders are delivered to your home by default, unless otherwise indicated or desired if that option is available.

Can I receive my order today?

This is not possible at this time. We are currently in the process of making it as easy as possible for our customers. Our goal is to offer this option before the end of 2024.

Can I choose a delivery period?

This is not yet possible. We are currently in the process of making it as easy as possible for our customers. Our goal is to offer this option before the end of 2024.

Can I pick up my package myself?

Yes. Choose the Pickup option during checkout. Important to know: currently pickup is only available in Rotterdam. Our goal is to expand to other pickup locations in the Netherlands before the end of 2024.

Can I pick up my package at a PostNL point?

This is not yet possible. We are currently in the process of making it as easy as possible for our customers. Our goal is to offer this option before the end of 2024.


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